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“Attorney Morris saved my entire family’s life and I will never forget him. I thank God for Mr. Morris and advocates like him”
-Olvin Ayala-Martinez

“Heaven sent!!! All I know is Attorney Morris was sent by God specifically for me. If I was ordered to be sent back to my home country I would have for sure been killed. Attorney Morris just helped give me a reason to keep living.”
-Oneyda Pena-Barrera

I couldn’t believe my ears when I heard the judge grant my asylum. Being apart of the LGBTQ community it’s difficult for me to trust most people due to my experience in my home country. However, Attorney Morris dealt with me and my case with the upmost care and respect. He saved my life and I would recommend his services any day of the week.

-Usvaldo Martinez-Carrillo

“Mr. Morris is incredible!!! Not only did he save me from being deported but he also save my marriage. He will always be a member of my family.”
-Marianela Espinoza


“I’m so emotional right now I can’t put into words the gratitude I have for Attorney Morris. I no longer have to fear for my life or my children lives because this country decided to give me a chance at survival. Attorney Morris is my hero.”
-Margarita de Jesus Elvir Tercero


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